The AYSO Player Registration Form is an official document that contains your emergency contact information and serves as a medical release form.

Please provide your Team Manager with an original signed copy at the beginning of the season.  Some divisions request multiple copies, originally signed, to ensure that someone in attendance at your team events always has a copy in case of emergency.  Check with your Team Manager to find out how many copies they would like.

If you participate in supplemental programs, such as Scrimmage Programs or Turkey Tournament teams, you will need to provide a Registration form then as well. 

Steps to print your Player Registration Form/Medical Release from InLeague:

  1. Select Existing InLeague User Log In to log into our new registration/league management system, InLeague.  (The Log-In will appear in a new window so you can reference the instructions below.)
  2. Log-in using the e-mail address & password you originally registered with.
  3. Select FAMILY PROFILE from the MY ACCOUNT tab.
  4. Select the CHILDREN tab.
  5. Select PRINT MEDICAL RELEASE button for each child who is participating. (The Medical Release will open in a new tab.)
  6. Print from your browser. 
  7. Check the form for accuracy.  If necessary update your contact information.  Repeat above steps if you make any changes.
  8. Print additional copies (3 in total).
  9. Bring signed and dated form to your Coach or Team Manager at Team Meeting to complete registration. (3 copies preferred, each with an original, wet signature)
  10. To print additional releases for other children in your family, select the Family Profile tab in your browser and repeat beginning with step 5.