Study Tool for Intermediate Course and Test—there will be fill-in-the-blank questions that need exact wording…

Coaches Should be:

P ________________

I _________________

E _________________

Referees ensure games are

S _________________

F _________________

F __________________

AYSO’s 6 Philosophies

  • B ____________________
  • E _____________________
  • P ______________________
  • P _______________________
  • 0 _______________________
  • GS ________________________

Direct Free Kick Offences—Conditional (7)

K _____________________

T _____________________

S _____________________

Ta/Ch ___________________________

Ch _____________________

J ______________________

P ______________________

Direct Free Kick Offences—Non-conditional (5)

HO ­­­­­­­­____________________

H ______________________

I ___________________________

T ____________________________

Bi/Sp ________________________

Indirect Free Kick Offences—Any Player (5)

P ­­­­­­­­­­_______________________

I _______________________

Dt/O-I-A/VO _________________________

P __________________________

I Tr __________________________

Indirect Free Kick Offences—Goalkeeper (4)

>6 ______________________________________

T ________________________________________

T (back pass) _______________________________

T (TI) ______________________________________

Cautionable Offences (8)  (“feddup”)

F ____________________

E _____________________

D _____________________

D _____________________

U _____________________

P _____________________

E (ntering the referee review area) 

E (xcessively using the “TV Review’ signal)


Sending Off Offences (8)  (“savs 2 dogs”)

S _______________________

A _______________________

V ________________________

S _______________________

2 ________________________

DOGSO (HO) ________________________

DOGSO (FK) _________________________

Offside is judged at: ____________________________________________

A player is in an Offside Position when:

  1. ____________________________
  2. ____________________________

How can a player in an Offside Position “become involved in active play” ?

  1. _____________________________________
  2. _______________________________________
  3. ______________________________________
  4. _______________________________________