Practice Space Information

Select one of the links below to see how the practice space is allocated at your field, as well as other important practice information.

The team manager, practice chaperone and/or coach should carry a copy of the field permit that pertains to the field & dates of your practices.

It is critical that teams that practice or play at artificial turf fields abide by the City’s restrictions at those fields, or we will lose our privileges at those highly desirable fields.  Please review the Artificial Turf Field Use Info page under the Fields & Safety page.

Airport Park Practice Space

Clover Main Practice Space

Clover Extension (aka The Pit) Practice Space 

JAMS Practice Space 

Marine Park Practice Space

Practice Policies

All teams must have a practice chaperone of the same gender attend all practices.

At least one person on the team must have originally signed player registration forms for each player in attendance.

Use only the time and space assigned.   In general, we’ve tried to allocate one-half a division’s normally-sized field for practices.  Cone off your half-field upon arrival.  

We’ve also tried to group teams together in case they want to run a scrimmage towards the end of practice.

Do not share the field with any non-AYSO people.  Only those teams/groups with permits for the specific time should be on the field.  It’s against our policies (and insurance) to allow others to play near us.  We pay to have exclusive use of these fields.  

Be especially aware of possible baseball players at fields with baseball infields that can present a potentially dangerous situation.

If anyone is having problems with other sports, school teams, or other soccer teams, or adults, please notify your Division Commissioner and contact the park monitor.

Grass Fields contact: Park Rangers
Non-Emergency Police Number

A copy of our field permit is typically kept in the storage unit of fields where we have games and accessible online by Division Commissioners.

As on game days, as a condition of our field permit with the city, no animals, no smoking nor alcohol are allowed at our activities, regardless of the normal park rules.  Nothing but water is allowed on artificial turf fields.

Please be sure to finish your practice on time – both coaches & parents should be respectful of the schedule for the benefit of both their fellow teammates/volunteers & other users of the parks.  

Maximum practice lengths are as follows, field space permitting:
7U & 8U:  60 minutes
10U:  90 minutes
12U:  105-120 minutes
14U, 16U, & 19U:  120 minutes

In case of rain or lightning during a practice, please refer to the Rain & Lightning Procedures.