When a Spectator is Behaving Inappropriately

  • Send a quick body language message that you heard it and you don’t like it.
  • As soon as convenient, position yourself near the touch line and quietly request the coach deal with the spectator.
  • Stop the game for a general announcement from the touchline regarding the match being in jeopardy because of inappropriate spectator behavior and request everyone remember we are in an AYSO “Kids Zone” where unsporting behavior is not tolerated. If you feel certain of their cooperation, request coaches from both teams stand with you just inside the touch line facing the spectators while you make the general announcement to present a visual perspective that the coaches are supportive of the referee.
  • Stop the game for a specific announcement to the spectator that if their inappropriate behavior continues they will be given three minutes to leave the area or the match will be canceled. Again request the coaches from both teams stand with you just inside the touch line facing the spectators to present a visual perspective that the coaches are supportive of the referee.
  • Stop the game and give the spectator three minutes to leave.
  • If the spectator has not left in three minutes, terminate the game.

When a Coach is Behaving Inappropriately

  • Send a quick body language message that you heard it and you don’t like it.
  • As soon as convenient, position yourself near the touch line and quietly request the assistant coach speak with the misbehaving coach.
  • Stop the game for a word in private with the coach. Ask the coach to come onto the field out of everyone’s “ear shot” and ask the coach to help you maintain a positive “Kids Zone” environment. Remind the coach of the options left to you if the inappropriate behavior continues and your desire to avoid those options.
  • Stop the game and tell the coach if their inappropriate behavior continues they will be given three minutes to leave the area or the match will be canceled.
  • Stop the game and give the coach three minutes to leave.
  • If the coach has not left in three minutes, terminate the game.