For your U10 to U14 child, please register their interest in playing for a competitive Spring and/or Turkey team, and whether they plan to attend the Sunday October 27 evaluations between 3:30pm and 6:30pm at John Adams Middle School (JAMS) in Santa Monica, in the “Event Detail” link below.

The schedule for the evaluation day is:
Sunday October 27th – schedule is subject to change

3:30 PM to 5:00 PM – check in and evaluations for U10
5:00 PM to 6:30 PM – check in and evaluations for U12 and U14

If your child is attending, please bring water, a ball, cleats and shin guards.
(must be logged into inLeague)

These evaluations are OPTIONAL; players are not required to attend, but they are helpful for Spring and Turkey coaches to be able to see multiple players at the same time. In addition, there is no make up day. However, if your child is a talented player but cannot attend, they will likely get noticed during their weekend games. Interest in the competitive Spring and Turkey program does not guarantee a spot on a team, which is determined by available spaces and coach interest.