At the beginning of each season, parents of all players are required to initial and sign the “Kids Zone Parent Pledge.”   Following are a few key concepts that relate to sideline behavior (in bold):

Kids Zone Parent Pledge

I understand that the top three reasons kids play sports are to have fun, make new friends and learn new skills. I understand that the game is for the kids, and I will encourage my child to have fun and keep sport in its proper perspective. I understand that athletes do their best when they are emotionally healthy, so I will be positive and supportive._____

I will redefine what it is to be a “Winner” in my conversations with my child. Winners are people who make the maximum effort, continue to learn and improve, and do not let mistakes, or fear of making mistakes, discourage them. I understand that mistakes are an inevitable part of any game and that people learn from their mistakes. I understand that all children are born with different abilities and that the true measure of success is not how my child compares to others, but how he/she is doing in comparison to his/her best self._____

I will “Honor the Game.” I understand the importance of setting a good example of sportsmanship for my child. I will show respect for all involved in the game including coaches, players, opponents, opposing fans, and referees. I understand that officials, coaches, and players make mistakes. If the referee makes a call I do not agree with, I will refrain from questioning, insulting or making personal attacks against him or her._____

I understand that games can be exciting for my child as he/she deals with the fast-paced action of the game, responds to opponents, referees, teammates, and listens to coaches. I will not yell out instructions. During the game, I will make only sportsmanlike comments that encourage my child and other players on both teams._____

I will not make negative comments about the game, coaches, referees or teammates in my child’s presence. This sets a bad example, which can negatively influence my child’s motivation and overall experience. I agree to act in a sportsmanlike manner and make every effort to foster a friendly and nonviolent atmosphere._____

I agree to honor the AYSO Parent Pledge in my words and actions.


Parent Signature

-Courtesy of