AYSO United is the Club Program of American Youth Soccer Organization. United is designed to complete the AYSO Player Development Pathway, allowing players to play competitive soccer under AYSO’s Six Philosophies. AYSO United players will experience a positive, developmentally-appropriate environment, where they will not only develop in practice but during the game, where they are guaranteed 50% play. United is a year round program designed to help players reach their full potential while playing meaningful games in competitive leagues and selected tournaments. 

The Los Angeles AYSO United Club currently has 11 teams and has produced two Cal South State Cup Champions in both the Girls 2007 & 2008 Divisions. Santa Monica AYSO is hosting a Westside hub of the LA Club, currently hosting a boys 2005 and girls 2004 club. The teams practice at JAMS and uses Samohi as its home field. We have a strong player pathway with our Core, Extra and United team continually producing some of the top talent in Southern California. 

Ted Quong and Gerhard Benthin coach the two teams. Ted, a long-time Santa Monica volunteer and a member of our Board, played in AYSO throughout his teenage years and was on the U14 Super Team that won the Pepsi Cola Open State Championship representing Region 10/South Bay.  During his youth, he has played with and against future MLS, USA National Team and Bundesliga players.  He has previously Coached in our Extra Program for several years and promotes ball mastery,  quick passing and an attacking style of play.  He wants his players to have fun while developing good character on and off the pitch.  Gerhard Benthin has spent 25 years throughout the United States instructing in major Soccer camps, clinics, clubs, high schools, group and individual lessons. His knowledge and experience of coaching in both positions certainly sets him apart from other soccer coaches and has built a reputation of making soccer training simple, yet highly effective with intense practice. Coach Benthin’s passion and love for the game is truly infectious. Through his career, Gerhard Benthin has been coaching at the highest level professional teams, such as L.A. Galaxy MLS, Brazil and the National Team U17.

We hope to add two new teams in the spring and will hold tryouts in January. If you have any questions, contact the LA Director of Coaching or our United Coordinator.