Print the Game Cards

Coaches – Prepare game cards in advance using printable AYSO line-up card template and provided card stock.  The template allows you to fill out a game card with player names, numbers and team information that can be printed on good card stock. 

PRINT GAME CARDS–please use the link below and have game cards preprinted before your game. This link will take you to a two-sided fillable Game Card that is a great size. Please use quality stock, not flimsy (otherwise they become a mess in the Assistant Referee’s pocket).  Put the players’ Number and Name on it (in numerical order). Fill out your own team’s info (age division and team number) and leave the Opponents info blank (you can fill that in on game day). The back page will be completed by the referees on game day.  Here is a great two-sided game card link.   It is a two-sided document, so you’ll need to get fancy with your printing skills. Please use good stock and not flimsy paper.