Our new-volunteer registration process, and updating for existing volunteers, has been integrated into InLeague.

You must complete your registration before you are able to register your child for the season.

  1. Update parent volunteer registration information — Go to your Family Profile on InLeague and click “Volunteer Now” next to your name
  2. Review/update your “Volunteer Preferences” (coach, referee, team manager, coach, assistant coach, etc.) and click “Submit Volunteer Preferences.”
  3. Complete the volunteer registration process.
  4. Soon after you will receive and email from AYSO to complete a background check. This is secure and sponsored by AYSO.
    (CHECK YOUR JUNK MAIL FOLDER, you will receive several emails until you complete the process)
  5. Use the link provided to complete process. You may get several emails until you complete it. You will be asked to create an account and provide personal information including your social security number. Without this information the background check cannot be completed and you will not be permitted to volunteer. You know you are finished when you answer a question about a $25 payment which you indicate the region will pay.
  6. Once the process is completed you will receive an email from Sterling Volunteers.