“Regional Referee – Online + In-Person Companion Course”

Regional Referee Training questions
contact Gray O'Brien at rra@ayso20.org
How to take the REQUIRED online referee training modules and examREQUIREMENT !!!!!!
This is a two-part training, with a required pre-requisite online component of 9 modules plus a test (takes about 75-90 minutes), and then an In-person classroom session (4 hours).

Take the online referee training modules now !!!
Attending the in-class portion requires prior completion of the online modules (9 modules plus a test--don't worry, you'll pass!).
Log in to InLeague using your own email and password. (Make sure you've logged in, and you're not mistakingly taking the courses under a spouse's name/email/password!)
Click the "graduation cap" icon (in upper right corner) to be brought to the eTrainU home page.
On the left side of the screen click "Training Library" icon.
Click "Refereeing" Courses--> take the "Regional Referee - Online + In-Person Companion Course" modules. There are 9 modules and an exam that need to be completed before coming to the in-person classroom session.
You must complete the Online portions (all modules and test) before attending the In-Person segment.
In-Person Course Dates that compliment the required online material.
No walk-ins -- PLEASE contact rra@ayso20.org

“Intermediate Referee – Full In-Person Course”

Finding/Registering for a Course
To Center Referee at the 12U level, you need to pass the INTERMEDIATE COURSE. The next step is to get your game count up (but you can ref the games as you work towards your game count); Log in to InLeague using your email and password. Go to "eTrainU" icon (graduation cap) to find your course(s): Click "Training Events" icon-->In the 'Region' box, clear this box. In the 'Locations' box, enter a distance (radius) that works for you. In the 'Courses' box enter "Intermediate Referee - Full In-Person Course." Scroll through the calendar to find the date/location that works for you.
If you want to upgrade your certification you will later need to do an Intermediate Assessment once you get your game count up to the minimum (25 as CR)

(must attend both of the 2-day events):
Section 1 Arcadia Roadshow--January 4-5, 2025

“Advanced Referee Course – Full In-Person”

Finding a Course
To Center Referee at the 14U level, you need to pass the ADVANCED COURSE (this assumes you passed the Intermediate Course and are currently a certified Intermediate Referee). The next step is to get your game count up (but you can ref the games as you work towards your game count); Log in to InLeague using your email and password. Go to "eTrainU" icon (graduation cap) to find your course(s): Click "Training Event" icon--> enter "Advanced Referee - Full In-Person Course" in the 'Courses' box. Choose a distance to travel that works for you in the 'Location' box. Scroll through the calendar to find which day/location works best for you. Enroll in the class.
Arcadia Roadshow--January 4-5, 2025

“National Referee – Full In-Person Course”

Section 1 Arcadia Roadshow--1/3-1/5