We Need Volunteer Coaches!

Coaches are at the heart of the AYSO organization, because as a coach you have the most contact with the kids. Coaching requires that you commit to one evening per week for practice sessions, plus the game on Saturday. With the time that you should be spending preparing for practices and games, this is a significant commitment of time. We appreciate the time that you have committed, and hope to provide you with advice and assistance to make your coaching experience a positive one.

Why Should I Coach?

  • It’s FUN.
  • It’s a great break from work.
  • It makes you feel good.
  • It’s a great way to give something back to the community.

The rewards come in the form of watching the kids have fun at a game or practice, watching their individual skills and teamwork improve, and there is also a great sense of accomplishment when you reach the end of a season and look back and see how far the team has come.

And for those who have “serious” jobs, there is no better way to regain your perspective than to watch a bunch of 7 year olds at practice.

We provide training, equipment, and all the camaraderie you can stand. We have both men and women all taking part in the fun.  We’d love to have you join us!

Click here to learn How to Become an SM AYSO Coach.