Rather than helping out only with one particular team, parents may choose to take on a role that benefits their division or the SM AYSO region as a whole, and these roles are vital to keeping the organization functioning. Many roles can be done from home on a flexible schedule. (Safe Haven online training & certification will be required for many roles.) If you scroll down and find something that suits your skills and schedules, please be proactive about emailing the appropriate contact on the Contacts Page, or if you’re not sure, reach out to the Director of Volunteer Recruitment.

Help organize coach training and certification tracking. Best for organized folks who can devote a couple hours a week in the summer and September.

With so many busy families, getting the word out about SM AYSO is essential. If you’ve ever seen an out of date message on our website, it’s because we need a bigger team of folks to help keep the information up to date.  We need a variety of skilled writers who are also computer savvy folks. Those that have writing skills who can be a “Section Editor” of section of our website, keeping the information relevant to our families. We also need  writers to write press releases and submit them to the various local newspapers & online sites.

Responsible for the operation of their respective divisions.  They recruit the coaches for their Division with the help of the RCA and oversee team formation and scheduling.  If there is already a Division Commissioner, you can assist that person in various administrative capacities. Depending on the needs of the division, the administrative duties may range from tracking game cards to organizing schedules.

Responsible for the Region’s operation, the board meets monthly to set policy & procedures.  (See “Volunteering” on website for list of positions.)

Assist with any field-related needs including weekly field lining (Fridays or very early Saturday morning); Or help measure, layout & paint the fields at the beginning of the season for several days & organize field equipment.

Help solicit sponsors for our region or other methods of raising funds.   Or help with financial administrative functions, such as tracking expenses.

We need several people to help track all the required AYSO certification requirements required of our referees to ensure they are trained & qualified to oversee your kids.  Best for organized folks who can devote a couple hours a week in the summer and September.  Additionally, with over 200 referees needing to be scheduled each week, every division needs their own referee scheduling coordinator, making sure that all of the games in their Division are being covered.  Involves a couple hours a week throughout the season.

Help promote SM AYSO to underrepresented & underprivileged communities in the region for the next season during the latter half of the calendar year & in January including setting up info. booths.  Or help with administrative functions, such as tracking refunds or registration fees.

Help support the coaches and parents with use of the website & sports league system.  Support the Webmaster & the board with special queries that may require customized reports or databases.

Translate English/Spanish documents or contact Spanish-speaking families by phone or e-mail with team or region information.

All AYSO volunteers are required to register with AYSO National annually.

This is separate from player registration.   Click here to complete adult volunteer registration.