Spring and Turkey sign up

Early Registration – May 4 to June 30, 2023: $280 
Pre-Season Regular Registration – July 1 to August 15, 2023: $365
Late Registration – August 16 to September 30, 2023: $395
EPIC, Everyone Plays In our Community, (formerly known as the VIP Program): $150
5U/6U, Players born in 2019 and 2018: $150
We offer a 20% discount for all siblings.

Financial aid is available
• Registration closes September 30th, 2023

Our low-cost registration fees include an entire season of soccer, uniforms, pictures, and participation medals. Teams will be formed in late August with the first games beginning on 9/16/23. Games will be played in local Santa Monica parks and school fields on Saturdays from September through November. Your registration includes a 10-week soccer season and access to our Monday Night Open Training, (MOT), coached by our Professional CoerverTM Trainers. The fee also includes participation in the Regional playoffs and the Area 1P Tournament for players in the 10U-14U, (2010-2014), Divisions. Playoffs and the Area Tournament are usually in early December.

Financial assistance is available for those that qualify. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email your questions to fa@ayso20.org.

This year our registration platform, “InLeagueTM” will look and feel a little different. Don’t worry, the new platform has been tested and still offers the same level of service that we learned to appreciate, so register today!  https://inleague.ayso20.org/Main/login

Make sure to register your player(s) promptly. While late registration will be open until September 30, all players registered after August 7 will be temporary placed on a waiting list as teams are formed. Families with players on the waiting list will be informed of the placement of their player within 10 days of registration. This will allow us to ensure that proper teams, practices, and games are formed and scheduled efficiently.

As part of our balance team philosophy, please be advised that all registered players U8 and older that were not previously registered for the Fall 2021 AYSO Region 20 season will be asked to attend an evaluation event in late July or early August. This will allow coaches and division commissioners to assess the skill level and place the players on the proper team. Players that do not attend an evaluation might see a delay in being assigned to a team.

Please note that our region will follow all applicable Covid-19 guidelines as set forth by the Los Angeles County Health Department, City of Santa Monica and Santa Monica-Malibu School District. We are working hard to provide your players with the best & safe soccer experience possible.

Please forward this email to your friends that have children between the age of 4 – 18 years old. Remember that no experience is required. If you enjoy playing or want to give soccer a shot, register today. More information can be found on the Region 20 website.

Remember that Everyone Plays & Everyone Volunteers!  

We look forward to seeing your family on the pitch!  

Register now and take advantage of the savings!