AYSO ID – Volunteer ID number assigned by eAYSO.
AYSO United: Area Competitive Year Long program selected through tryouts. Follows AYSO philosophy.
AYSOU (University)- where you take web-based trainings-aysou.org
Certifications (Coaching and Referee) coursework for volunteers to ensure we teach appropriately using the same language
Coaches – Fine men and women dedicated to teaching our kids the fine game of soccer while exhibiting superior role model behavior.
Community Volunteer – Volunteers that do not have kids in the program.
Concussion Training-all coaches are required to take this on-line training (@45min). Suggested for all volunteer roles that interact with children.
Core Team/player: participates in the Fall soccer season in SM
eAYSO – AYSO National’s registration program where all volunteers are required to register for background checks. eayso.org
Extra Team/player: Competitive Year Long program that requires try out and selection to the team and travel to other regions and designated competitive tournaments.
inLeague – Region 20 web-based registration and information system inleague.ayso20.org
Practice Chaperones –every team (7U+) must have a practice chaperone (same gender as players) present at every practice.
Referees – Fine men and women that officiate our kids’ games while watching the Coaches (and Parents) exhibit superior role model behavior! Remember, without referees it’s just a practice.
Safe Haven – All volunteer roles that interact with children are required to take this on-line training (@45min). A background check is also performed. (Coaches, Referees, Team Managers, Chaperones).
Spring Select, All Star, & Tournament Teams: Spring Soccer. Requires selection and commitment to the Spring Tournament season with new competitive team made up from Core players. Players must have attended/played 9 of the 11 Core games to be eligible.
Team Managers –Fine men and women responsible for all of the administrative tasks of the team.
Turkey Tournament: Thanksgiving tournament team through invitation to interested players that apply and attend workouts