Volunteer Obligations

The family of each Extra Player is required (collectively) to provide support as Volunteers to the primary core (Fall) program of AYSO Region 20. The reason for this support back to the primary core program is to offset the volunteer resources being provided to the Extra program teams by the rest of Region 20.

Each family’s volunteer commitment back to the primary core program will be at least 20 hours. The primary core program runs for 13 weeks, so that works out to about 1 1/2 hours per week, although the time need not be volunteered every week. The best way to provide that volunteer support will be in a key role such as coach, referee, team manager, or administrative position. This will help offset the referee resources provided by the Region to the Extra program teams.

This is in addition to the required volunteer support to the Extra team itself, which also will need Parents to volunteer as referees, team managers and other positions similar to the primary core program.

Player and Parent Commitments

In exchange for the honor and privilege of playing on the Extra team, each player and their parents are expected to make the following commitments:

Note regarding Club:
Your child has been selected on the basis that he or she will NOT participate in a Club program while playing in the Extra Fall Season, because the two programs require such high levels of commitment that a player on both a Club and an Extra team probably cannot satisfy his or her obligations to both teams. A player who joins a Club after being selected to participate on an Extra team should expect to lose his or her place on the Extra team. Exceptions may be made with the consent of the Regional Commissioner, which will be granted only in rare and unusual circumstances.

Participation in both the Extra Program during the Extra Spring Season and on a Club team will be decided on a case by case basis. The consent of the Regional Commissioner or the Extra Program coordinator will still be required before a Club player may be permitted to participate on an Extra team during the Extra Spring Season.

To make AYSO soccer your first priority over different sports programs or other afterschool/

activities from the beginning until the end of the Extra season.

To timely attend all of the team practices (typically two practices per week depending on coach/player availability, and the team’s game and tournament schedule), games and tournaments. In the event of injury, illness, emergency, or any other reason, you must inform the coach sufficiently in advance of any practices or games that you cannot attend.

To timely make all advance payments necessary for the tournaments that your team has decided to enter.

To volunteer to referee in tournaments in the event that you (parents) are certified referees (and the Region will train you if you are not yet certified as a referee).

To otherwise volunteer as needed by the coach if you (parents) are not certified referees, and to be generally supportive of the Extra team players, coach, and Region 20.

To conduct yourselves appropriately at all times, with the knowledge that you are representing Region 20 at all games at which you appear. This includes, but is not limited to, being courteous to the referees at all times regardless of whether you agree with their calls; being courteous to the opposing team’s players and coaches at all times regardless of whether they are courteous to you; maintaining the goals and philosophies of AYSO; and complying with all competition rules.

To comply with all game related requests of your team’s coach including, but not limited to, what position(s) to play; what quarters to play; and what strategies and tactics to use.

To comply with all rulings and other decisions made by the Regional Commissioner, Post Season Tournament Directors and the Extra Program Director.

Consequences of Non-compliance

Failure to honor any of these commitments may, after consultation with the team coach and approval of the Regional Commissioner or his or her delegate, result in any or all of the following consequences:

(a) Reduction of playing time in games – as in Club soccer, a player who misses any practice or game without an approved excuse may be subject to immediate loss of playing time;

(b) Being left off the roster for games and/or tournaments;

(c) Suspension from the team;

(d) Loss of eligibility for future Extra or post season tournament teams; and

(e) Such other appropriate consequences as may be approved by the Regional Commissioner or his or her delegate.