Player Selection

Players will be selected after participation in a series of tryouts. Additional tryouts may be held in the summer for players who were unavailable for the first round of tryouts. Tryouts will be competitive. Tryouts will consist of game like situations and will be organized by qualified coaches and trainers. Coaches will assist in tryouts and player selection but will not have the final say about player selections for Extra teams. Upon completion of the tryouts, the Region 20 Extra selection group will select the Extra teams. Players who are not selected will, of course, have the option of participating in our primary AYSO Fall program and will be encouraged to do so. The primary AYSO Fall program will continue to provide post season play opportunities with all-star and Spring Select teams. Parents are encouraged to remain positive with their kids, even if they don’t get selected for Extra.


Subject to having sufficiently skilled players and coaches participating in the Extra program as well as compatible teams from other Area 1P Regions, it is anticipated that there will be one Extra team per age group (as shown below) per gender. This number may increase in future seasons.

  • # of Players per Team:
    U9 & U10: 9 or 10 players per team
    U11 & U12: 12 players per team
    U13 & U14: 14 or 15 players per team

Your child will be selected on the basis that he or she will not participate in a Club program while playing in the Extra Fall season, because the two programs require such high levels of commitment that a player on both a Club and an Extra team cannot satisfy his or her obligations to both teams. A player who joins a Club after being selected to participate on an Extra team should expect to lose his or her place on the Extra team.