Whenever it has rained within 24 hours (even if it is bright & sunny out), please check the latest field status by calling 310-458-8643 or following @SMSportsFields before leaving for the fields. A field open in the morning can be closed in the afternoon due to rain, or a wet field closed in the morning may dry out and be opened later in the day. Fields may also be closed by SM AYSO for other reasons, such as poor air quality. Artificial turf fields are rarely closed for rain.

AYSO Severe Weather Policy

AYSO policy, incorporated in AYSO’s Safe Haven training, states that when thunder is heard, lightning is within striking distance, therefore games, and practices should be suspended, and participants should seek shelter immediately. Games should be restarted only after no thunder has been heard for 30 minutes or when an “all clear” siren has been sounded. The entire policy can be found at AYSOvolunteers.org, Weather Safety.

Lightning: Practice Chaperones should look out for lightning during practices and advise coaches to cancel the practice if they see lightning. On game day, that responsibility falls with the Referee. Referees are instructed to abandon the game at the first sight of lightening or sound of thunder. Please keep our kids safe and err on the side of caution. For guidance on lightning, please refer to the Environmental Hazards section of the “Guidance for Referees & Coaches” manual.

Coaches, if your field is open but you choose to cancel a practice, please notify the region’s Scheduler as other teams may want to utilize your space or City field staff may be diverted to other facilities.