Team Manager Responsibilities—-Roughly Chronological Order


  • Inform Division Commissioner (DC) of player status as soon as you know (drops, confirmations, no responses).
  • Explain Referee Points Program needed for 10U and older
  • Solicit volunteers to staff required roles see “TM Checklist” on website; especially REFEREES and ASSISTANT REFEREES, and start their training (online). 5/6/7u only needs Referees; 8U needs CRs, and ARs are nice but not critical; 10U and older needs CRs and ARs. The more you can recruit the better. Share the load.
  • Organize “snack family” for each weekend
  • Print out “referee game card” for each weekend game (u8 and above). Make 10-15 copies with players listed in numerical order.
  • Collect appropriate paperwork from coaches, referees, & practice chaperones and check their photo IDs.
  • Submit to DC your completed “TM Checklist” (see website) and collected paperwork in exchange for uniforms.


  • Distribute team roster to team.
  • Keep pushing for REFEREES and get them on their training (; make sure they follow up on their commitments
  • Remind families of Referee Points needed for 10U and older
  • Develop snack schedule.


  • Inform & remind your families about Silent Saturday.
  • ??? Recruit players for 5v5 tournament and submit application (u10 and above).
  • Inform families of team photo time (??? and 5v5 game times for u10 and above).
  • Keep pushing for REFEREES and get them on their training (; make sure they follow up on their commitments
  • Remind families of Referee Points needed for 10U and older
  • Remind Referees to allocate their Referee Points to the team


  • Inform families of playoff game times (u10 and above).
  • Remind Referees to allocate their Referee Points to the team
  • Organize end of season party (many teams contribute for coaches gifts; don’t forget to recognize the referees on your team too).
  • Pick up photos and medals for team for distribution at your end of season party.


  • Remind snack family on Thursday or Friday of each week.
  • Print out “referee game card” for each game (u8 and above).
  • Inform team of any field closures (school holidays, school events, air quality, rain …) and/or practice or game changes (LINK ON WEBSITE and Twitter Feed).
  • Follow your Volunteer Referee Point total (u10 and above) –- Can be found on “Public Game Schedule” icon:
    • Under “Game Schedules” select “Regular Season” as the Competition; enter the proper age group as the Division; click “View Division Standings” at the top. The first column is “VPts” (i.e., Volunteer Points earned by referees).