
The purpose of the Referee Point Program is to help ensure that AYSO Region 20 recruits, trains, certifies and fields enough volunteer referees to officiate at our Regional games in the U7 to U14 divisions. The Referee Point Program also helps ensure that Region 20 supply its fair share of referees to Area 1P’s Upper Division and Extra Programs. In this Program, volunteers agree to referee games during our Regional Regular Season (usually September through most of November). Referee volunteers earn Referee Points, which they allocate to one or more teams. Referee Points may also be earned by volunteers who assist with referee administration. Each team in Divisions U10 through U14 must be allocated at least 15 referee points to advance in the Regional Playoffs, which leads to Area and Section Playoffs. Teams that fail to accumulate 15 points will play the normal schedule of Regular Season and first round or pool of Playoff games, but will not advance, nor can they become Regional champions.

Specific Guidelines

Regular Season Games and Playoff Games:

During the Pre-Season/Regular Season for Divisions U10 through U14, teams play each other in a pool play format. At the conclusion of the Regular Season, teams begin competing in a series of playoff games with other teams in their Division. All teams participate in the first round (U9/10) or pool (U12 & U14) of the playoffs. Teams may then advance to subsequent rounds of the playoffs, in order to determine our region champions and runners-up. To participate in the subsequent playoff rounds, a team must have earned at least 15 Referee Points, regardless of how well the team performs. What this means in practical terms is: U12 & U14 Divisions – Teams lacking 15 referee points are eligible to play the first weekend of playoffs only. At the end of the playoff pool play round, teams that did not accrue 15 referee points will not advance. Instead, the next highest team will advance. U9/10 Division – Teams lacking 15 referee points are eligible to play the first weekend only. A team lacking 15 referee points will play its first game in the main bracket and regardless of the score, will be considered the loser and play its second game in the consolation bracket. Again, regardless of the score, the team will be considered the loser. In both games, their opponents will advance.

(Note: these restrictions do not apply to the U10 “play-in” qualifying games that provide for an even 16-team bracket.)

Team Responsibility to Recruit Volunteers and Track Points:

1. While individual volunteers are welcome to sign up at any time, it is each team’s responsibility to recruit its own volunteers to sign up to referee. Since first-time referee volunteers must fill out an eAYSO Volunteer Application form, attend the Basic Regional Referee course, Referee Safe Haven course, and CDC Concussion Course before any referee points can be earned, each team should endeavor to identify prospective volunteers and encourage them to sign up as early as possible after team formation. Please note that since an individual volunteer can allocate no more than 10 points to a single team, and may want to allocate their points to multiple teams, teams should recruit at least three referee volunteers.

(Note: Region 20 offers Regional Referee training each fall. We do not offer U8 referee training, but we encourage 8U referees to take the Regional Referee course.)

2. Prospective volunteers must be at least 12 years old. Prospective volunteers under the age of 18 must have parental consent.

3. It is each team’s responsibility to track whether their volunteers are likely to earn enough points by the end of the preliminary playoff games to meet the minimum required number of referee points. Extra Program Requirements: To ensure that the Extra program helps to benefit the AYSO Region 20 Core program rather than diminish it, each Extra team must also earn a minimum of 15 referee points during the Fall season in order to advance in the Area 1P Extra Playoffs. Of the fifteen minimum points earned by each Extra team, at least six (6) of those points must be earned by officiating within the Core Program. Like teams in the Core program, it is each Extra team’s responsibility to earn, track, and allocate its referee points over the course of the season.

Referee Points:

1. Since there are many facets to our Regional program, there are also multiple ways volunteers earn referee points. The primary way to earn referee points is by officiating games. Certified Regional (Basic) Referees serving as Referee (i.e., the “Center” referee) in any regular season match in the 10U, 12U, and 14U divisions will earn one referee point. Certified Regional (Basic) Referees serving as an Assistant Referee in any regular season match in the 10U, 12U, and 14U (NOT 8U) divisions will earn one referee point. Those certified only at the 8U Referee level, cannot earn points.  Qualified, trained volunteers may also earn referee points officiating at Extra program matches or Upper Division matches. Referee points are not awarded for scrimmages or tournaments (such as Region 20’s 5 v 5 Tournament.) Volunteers may also earn referee points for completing training, upgrading certification and helping out with teaching and referee assessment. Referee schedulers and referee administration volunteers also have opportunities to earn points that they can allocate to their team. Here’s how points would be awarded:

a. One (1) referee point is awarded to a volunteer who completes an assigned game as either Center Referee (CR) or Assistant Referee (AR). Multiple games on the same day earn multiple points. Referees who are scheduled to referee matches that are canceled will still earn referee points for the canceled match. Points are awarded only to volunteer referees who:

i. Are certified as AYSO Referees (have successfully completed at least the Basic Referee and Referee Safe Haven courses and submitted an AYSO Volunteer Application during the current season)

ii. Complete their referee assignment(s) in an approved uniform. (NOTE: Club linespersons do not earn referee points.)

b. Three (3) referee points are awarded to a volunteer who successfully completes the Basic Referee and Referee Safe Haven courses and THREE assigned games as either CR or AR. These incentive points are in addition to any game assignment points and may be earned once per volunteer per season.

c. One (1) referee point is awarded to a volunteer who successfully completes an assigned game as a first-time CR at U10 or above.  A maximum of 2 points may be earned by officiating as a U8 CR.  This is to allow newly trained Referees to gain some experience at a lower division before moving up to U10. This incentive is in addition to any game assignment points and may be earned once per volunteer per season.

d. Three (3) referee points are awarded to a volunteer who successfully completes the AYSO Referee Certification Requirements for the next certification level (e.g., Regional to Intermediate, Intermediate to Advanced or Advanced to National) and one assigned game as either CR or AR following certification. These incentive points are in addition to any game assignment points and may be earned once per volunteer per certification.

e. One (1) referee point is awarded to a volunteer who participates as an invited instructor during a registered Referee Course sponsored by Region 20. While only one (1) point may be earned per Course, volunteers who teach in multiple Courses earn multiple points.

f. One (1) referee point is awarded to a volunteer who successfully completes an upgrade assessment or mentors another referee in Region 20. Multiple assessments/mentoring assignments earn multiple points. In order to earn assessor/mentor referee points for assessments, volunteers must be AYSO Certified Assessors or National Assessors. In order to earn assessor/mentor referee points as a referee mentor, volunteers must be assigned to mentor by the Regional Referee Administrator (RRA), or the RRA’s designee.

g. One (1) referee point is awarded to each certified referee volunteer who attends an AYSO Laws of the Game Refresher course. This award may be earned once during the season. (Note: This course is offered by Area 1P, not Region 20)

h. Three (3) referee points are awarded to the following support positions: referee schedulers, referee uniform coordinator, assistant referee administrator, and division referee coordinators. These incentive points will be available only after a minimum of 6 hours of volunteer work. These incentive points are in addition to any game assignment points and may be earned once per volunteer per season.

i. One (1) referee point is awarded to volunteers who assist referee administration by helping to manage clinics or by serving in other temporary administrative capacities. These points are not self-allocatable. In other words, referees need to instruct the region how you earned these points AND how to allocate them by completing the brief Referee Credit for points earned elsewhere form at the bottom of this page. If you refereed a game that you were not scheduled for, and would like to get credit for that game, go to the Referee Credit for PAST GAMES form at the bottom of this page.

2. No points are awarded for missed assignments or failure to successfully complete a training program.

3. In cases of doubt, the Regional Referee Administrator is the final authority on the decision to award referee points under these guidelines.

4. While every effort will be made to record referee points accurately, each volunteer should maintain a separate record of referee points earned.

5. Referee Points expire at the conclusion of the Fall Season.

Allocation of Referee Points to Teams:

Referee points earned by a volunteer referee belong to that volunteer until they are allocated to a team. The guidelines for allocating points to teams follow.

  • When a volunteer signs up to referee, he or she is responsible for specifying which team should be allocated the referee points. Overall referee points may be split between more than one team, but each allocation must be at least one point.
  • Points for training or other administrative assistance are allocated by the volunteer by completing the brief Referee Credit for points earned elsewhere form at the bottom of this page.
  • To request credit for past games where you refereed when another no-show referee was originally scheduled, fill out the brief Referee Credit for PAST GAMES form at the bottom of this page.
  • In order to promote maximum volunteer participation, a maximum of twelve (12) points may be allocated by a volunteer to a single team in Divisions 10U – 14U.
  • Points earned may be allocated to any team in conjunction with the rules spelled out above.
  • Referee Points belong to the Volunteer who earns them. Allocation decisions by a Volunteer cannot be appealed.
  • Youth Referees have the same rights and privileges as Adult referees under this program. The minimum age to certify as a Referee is 12 years old.


 No one except the AYSO Region 20 Commissioner may grant an exception to these guidelines.

 These guidelines may be revised as necessary by the AYSO Region 20 Commissioner or Referee Administrator.

 Questions or comments concerning this program should be addressed to the Region 20 Referee Administrator:

See Also:

Allocating Referee Points
Referee Credit for PAST GAMES Form
Referee Credit for points earned elsewhere